Services and information.

Zentralbahn’s infrastructure offers various services within the framework of the available options (pursuant to Art. 23 of the Rail Network Access Ordinance). For more information about its services and conditions, please contact: 

zb Zentralbahn AG

Marketing and Sales
P.O. Box
Bahnhofstrasse 23
CH–6362 Stansstad

+41 58 668 80 00

As a subsidiary of SBB, Zentralbahn applies the same prices as set out in the SBB List of Infrastructure Services.

The provisions “Infrastrukturdaten Zentralbahn” (Zentralbahn Infrastructure Data) and “AGB Benutzung Infrastruktur Zentralbahn” (GTCs for Use of Zentralbahn Infrastructure) are integral parts of each other. Both documents can be found in the next section under “Downloads.”
