Previous situation

Disruptions on the Zentralbahn network pose a challenge for the employees involved. Decisions must be made promptly so that normal operations can be resumed. For this reason, traffic controllers need to be prepared and intensively trained for all conceivable scenarios. The learning and training system (LTS) was procured for these training purposes.

Objectives, benefits and implementation

Paper, pens and pictures of signal boxes – until recently, these were the analogue training tools used by employees at the control centre. A good method. However, management wanted to take the training courses to a new level. The aim was to be able to carry out training and further learning efficiently, flexibly and realistically. The answer was to find a digital alternative.

As part of a staff development programme, an internal project manager with the appropriate training and experience was found in the company’s team.

When implementing any digitalisation project, Zentralbahn promotes the following behaviours:

  • Being curious.
    During the implementation, the project manager wasn’t afraid to experiment with different approaches. As a result, he advanced his expertise and was able to identify new skills.
  • Taking it step by step.
    Parts of the route network were mapped. As a further step, the complete mapping of the route network will be available for the training sessions. Nonetheless, an effective initial step has been taken.
  • Doing the right thing.
    The staff at the Zentralbahn control centre are delighted with the realistic depiction. Based on their experience,  procurement of the system was shown to be expedient and provide added value.

So what happens now?

The first quarterly training sessions have been carried out. Every traffic controller can train independently using the LTS. Operations management defines the training priorities. It starts a replay and practises situations with every conceivable additional factor. For example, commands are sent to the train drivers. The cases are then discussed and lessons learned.

A changing job profile

The staff at the control centre are already used to working with digital tools. Digitalisation has now found its way into the training environment. The handling of disruptions is consolidated and employees can react even more professionally in the event of a disruption. The system is also used for the examinations that all control centre employees must take every five years.

Statement from the project manager

“The situations are modelled realistically on the simulator with our topology and the corresponding actions and interlocking operations can be specifically trained in one-to-one training. This creates a win-win-win situation:

  • Increased safety in everyday work improves employee satisfaction.
  • Customers benefit from even more professional and efficient reactions to operational disruptions.
  • Zentralbahn is improving its positive image even further.”